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Gray, John Edward (1800-1875)
Zoologiste britannique, auteur de plusieurs catalogues des collections du British Museum
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Livres de Gray présents au SICD
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Spicilegia zoologica, part I-II, 1829-1830
H 15 953
Illustrations of Indian zoology… from the collection of Major General Hardwicke, 1830-1834
H 594
The zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Samarang, under the command of Captain Sir Edward Belcher, C.B., F.R.A.S., F.G.S., during the years 1843-1846, 1850
H 15 918
Catalogue of the mollusca in the collection of the British Museum, part IV Brachiopoda ancylopoda or lamp shells, 1853
H 125 265
List of the specimens of neuropterous insects in the collection of the British Museum, part II Sialidae-Neuropterides, 1853
H 125 345
Catalogue of the recent Echinida, or sea eggs in the collection of the British museum, Part I Echinida irregularia, 1855
H 125 263
List of the mollusca in the collection of the British museum, 2 parts, 1855-1865
H 125 304
Guide to the systematic distribution of mollusca in the British Museum, part I, 1857
H 125 296
Catalogue of the mammalia and birds of New Guinea, in the collection of the British Museum, 1859
H 125 297
Catalogue of seals and whales in the British Museum, 1866
H 125 300
Synopsis of the species of whales and dolphins in the collection of the British Museum, 1868
H 16 285
Catalogue of carnivorous, pachydermatous, and edentate mammalia in the British Museum, 1869
H 125 299
Catalogue of lithophytes or stony corals in the collection of the British Museum, 1870
H 125 305
Catalogue of monkeys, lemurs, and fruit-eating bats in the collection of the British museum, 1870
H 125 303
Catalogue of sea-pens or Pennatulariidae in the collection of the British Museum, 1870
H 125 308
Catalogue of ruminant mammalia (Pecora, Linnaeus) in the British museum, 1872
H 125 298
Hand-list of the edentate, thick-skinned and ruminant mammals in the British Museum, 1873
H 125 317
Hand-list of the specimens of shield reptiles in the British Museum, 1873
H 125 318
Hand-list of seals, morses, sea-lions, and sea-bears in the British Museum, 1874
H 125 302